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Lindsay Latva’s work is largely inspired by her ever growing understanding of her need to connect with nature. Her art practice is primarily in fibers and watercolor, focusing on such themes as fragility, femininity, and journey.


Her larger watercolors are largely autobiographical and her landscapes are painted in plein air on hiking and backpacking trips. Most recently she has reconnected with her love of wool. Her collection of felted vessels and weavings also reflect the natural elements and often incorporate found natural objects.


Lindsay is an avid outdoors person and she lives in Colorado with her husband. Together they have climbed all of Colorado’s 14,000 ft mountains and summited Mt. Rainier along with many other peaks. Her favorite outdoor activities include hiking, backpacking, cycling, kayaking, and cross country skiing. 


Lindsay has a Master’s degree in art education and is currently the Executive Director of Bristlecone Arts Collaborative, a nonprofit dedicated to elevating art education in rural public schools. See more at



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